Exchange 2010 Snapshot
Hi Guys I have an existing snapshot on a production Exchange 2010 server that is hosted on an ESX5.1 host. What is the best way to get rid of this? Can I use the consolidate option or would it be best...
View ArticleRe: what is the Default Alert Notification Interval TimeFrame for Vcops 5.7 ?
As per the following VMware Article Vcops Alerts will be getting refreshed on every 15 mins Interval by default...Inorder to make Alert refreshment in short time (3 mins for testing Purpose), then...
View ArticleRe: Automatically delete VMs for VDI pool after period of time
It sure is possible but not something that you can specify on the pool.There is possibility to create a script to achieve this. // Linjo
View Articlemodify cost report
Hi all, How can we customize cost reporting to include 1. company logo ?2. VAT (10% taxes) Thank you..
View ArticleRe: Automatically delete VMs for VDI pool after period of time
Thanks for answer. Where this script should be, on vCenter or somwhere on Vmware View?
View ArticleRe: Alerts not auto clearing
Following VMware Article will help your query.... File Path on Analytics VM -->...
View ArticleVAAI ScsiDeviceIO H:0x7 failure with HP FC HBA / Fujitsu storage
It appears that only with Firmware Version V10L47-0000, a FujitsuEternus DX90 S2 will fully utilize VAAI (Details available in FujitsuSupport document SB-STO-13023). After upgrading to that firmware...
View ArticleRe: 5.0 to 5.1 Migration questions
@memaad - We would probally change the server name and IP address, though if that will cause problems we should be able to keep the same name and IP. @AakashJ - Thanks for the info, so just to clarify...
View ArticleRe: Error when downloading VMX files from Datastore Browser
Hi AakashJ Thanks for the suggestion, can you confirm if restarting the management services will have any impact on the VMs that are currently running on the hosts?
View ArticleRe: How to open plugin as a Popup through actions?
True, but having a reference to the current view will still be handy. Is there any way to do that?More specifically, can I get a reference to the application's main screen?I realize this isn't related...
View Articleusing add more than 15 HDD to virtual machine
Hello all I am using vmware perl SDK script to add HDD to virtual machine. Its working fine till 15 disk but as soon as i try to add 16 disk using the script i am getting error as...
View ArticleRe: Error when downloading VMX files from Datastore Browser
There should not be any impact on VMs if the mgmt. agent is restarted.
View ArticleRe: 5.0 to 5.1 Migration questions
2nd step needs to be corrected.. After you move the backup, restore the db.. Now install 5.1 pointing to the restored db...
View ArticleRe: VMware Fusion support for Logitech T650 Touchpad?
That is interesting (and disappointing) - did you use the 'USB passthrough' when connecting the T650 through to Fusion?
View ArticleRe: VMs status in the list
Hi LucD, Thanks for the quick reply again. Still the VM status is blank. vmnames.txt file looks like VMName1VMName2VMName3
View ArticleHow to automatically start/stop VMs?
Hi, is it possible to automatically start/stop VMs (and create from template if necessary) based on specific criterias? I think of setting up a template containing a webserver and I want to fire up and...
View ArticleRe: VMs status in the list
You mean something like this ?Get-Content-PathC:\vmnames.txt|Select@{N="VMname";E={$_}}, @{N="Status";E={ $vm=Get-VM-Name$_-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue if($vm){$vm.PowerState}else{"Not found"}...
View ArticleRe: Moving VM from ESXi to ESX
we are moving from ESXi v5.0 to ESX v5.0As i have mentioned before there is no ESX version from vSphere 5.x
View ArticleRe: VMs status in the list
Just noticed there was a typo in the code (twice quotes on the "Status" label).I corrected that. Can you try again ?For me it seems to work with a similar input file
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