Re: VMware vSphere 5.5
初めまして。 返信ありがとうございます。vmdkの最大サイズが、2TB-512Bから、どーんっと、62TBに増加されるみたいですね。 RDMで回避したりしてたので、うれしいです。 当方で現在管理している vSphere 5.1 の データストア の各サイズ自体が 1 ~ 2TB 程度なので、私自身が VMFS-5 の 1 VMDK あたりの最大値に悩まされたことはないです。(笑)...
View ArticleRe: Permanently increase default and max DHCP lease times?
Something else is going wrong here. Under normal operations, the lease time is renewed at 1/2 way through the lease, so it should never expire.
View ArticleCan't make multiple hosts accessing other host's local datastore
Hi! I'm struggling with a problem I have no clue how can I resolve it. I have a cluster of ESXi 5.1.0 799733 with 3 hosts and a shared iSCSI storage. I'm doing vMotion well, since my VM's file are...
View ArticleRe: getting error on esxi5.0 on each host in cluster
hi am getting the bellow error also. seems both are the error deferent. Cannot synchronize host XXXXXXXXX. A general system error occurred: Unexpected exception reading HTTP response body: class...
View ArticleRe: Can't make multiple hosts accessing other host's local datastore
You cannot access local datastores of other hosts. However, with vSphere 5.1 VMware introduced a new feature of vMotion, which allows to migrate VMs without shared storage "(Change host and...
View ArticleAdding USB drives to VMHosts
Hello, We have two VM Hosts. One was built in a RAID 5 and the other was built in a RAD50 (Not my choice). Since I have taken over the tech department, I want to move the VM's off the RAID50 host and...
View ArticleRe: Can't make multiple hosts accessing other host's local datastore
By default local storage is only accessable by the host that it is attached to so you would only be able to storage vmotion without changing the host - but once the vm resides on the local storage you...
View ArticleRe: VCenter Appliance will not use my windows creds to login.
Using the web interface on port 5480. For the 2 logins. One uses an existing kerberos ticket which the appliance can only verify if it is joined the domain and the prerequisites I mentioned above are...
View ArticleRe: VCenter Appliance will not use my windows creds to login.
Can you point to where it explains adding the appliance to the domain. I have verified all that stated and all is good. The only issue I have is then when I access the appliance via port 5480 and go to...
View ArticleRemote Administration - Suggestions
Hello Everyone, I'm looking for some general suggestions on how to implement remote administration for ESXi. I'm going to be deploying a web server in a remote location. The hardware has two Ethernet...
View ArticleНе грузится ESXi после инсталляции
После инсталляции vSphere ESXi 5.1 на ноутбуке HP ProBook 4530, при загрузке возникла надпись, что загрузочный диск не найден, соответственно хост не грузится. Проблема решается либо тем, что надо...
View ArticleRe: Can't make multiple hosts accessing other host's local datastore
a.p. escreveu: You cannot access local datastores of other hosts. However, with vSphere 5.1 VMware introduced a new feature of vMotion, which allows to migrate VMs without shared storage "(Change host...
View ArticleRe: VMware Studio 2.6 fails to boot transient VM
When I went through the logs it looked like the hold-up was the vmrun command.I found that the way it was trying to run it was incorrect for Workstation 9-- in that for workstation 9 it needed the "T"...
View ArticleConference Software -- Error creating sound stream
I have solved a long-term annoyance with Workstation running on Win 7, 64bit. I reported previously to VMware, but was never resolved. When starting certain conference software in a windows guest, the...
View ArticleRe: Слишком медленная скорость при копировании командлетом Copy-DatastoreItem
Copy-DatastoreItem - Understanding the Traffic Flow | Technodrone
View ArticleIssues Creating VCP Lab
Hey Everybody, I'm just starting to put my lab together and i'm having some problems downloading the necessary software to create it. A few months ago when i had looked on VMware i thought i could...
View ArticleRe: VCenter Appliance will not use my windows creds to login.
Port 3268 between your appliance and the domain controller is open? The domain controller is actually a global catalogue server? DNS is working correctly? Message was edited by: Frank Buechsel If the...
View ArticleRe: Issues Creating VCP Lab
You'll have to register for the evaluations. Please select the software/product you want from André
View ArticleRe: Compression Technique for Memory Compression
The compression used is based on GZip but adopted to specific ESX needs.
View ArticleRe: Compression Technique for Memory Compression
The VMware name is Transparent Page Sharing -
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