Large number of luns in a growing ESX environment - when to abort the mesh
I have a growing ESX environment. We started with about beefy 3 ESX hosts, 150 VMs and 10 volumes. Each ESX host sees all 10 volumes. No big deal, makes it easy to move vms and not be concerned...
View ArticleRe: Host Profile works on all but 2 blades... CP_NO_VALID_PARTITION_FOUND?!
Here is better information... I attached two logs. One is a a freshly installed blade called ESXi05 that works perfectly - not one of the two "bad" servers.The other is a freshly installed blade called...
View ArticleRe: REST API via c# and problem with getting holder-of-token
After spending a few hours working on this, we're no further ahead. We can't even query vCO to read items under the /api path. Any help on figuring out this SSO stuff within C# is appreciated. We're...
View ArticleRe: Tech preview module configuration fails on Fedora 19 host /...
You do not want to get me started on "VMware tools working in a Fedora 19 guest!" For openers, I spent half a day today searching the web trying to...
View ArticleRe: Resource Pool Allocation???
Remember memory will be allocated only when it is needed - so if the VM is using4 GB out of the 8GB the other 4 will be available for user the other VMs on the host - For the resource pool with 24 GB...
View ArticleRe: Mouse pointer jumping to the upper left corner (VMware Tools issue?)
Hi Marius - Roma , this generally happen if something wrong with physical mouse , have tested with any other mouse, if the previous mouse working fine on other system please check the compatibility...
View ArticleRe: Can you convert vh to vm ware files
Himisabreton , through convertor you can perform this task , please let us knwo which convertor you are using or any error time of converting . If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0"
View ArticleRe: Latest Version of Download available...
In case it ever disappears from that site, I have made another, potentially more permanent download location available ( In the next few days, the url will be...
View ArticleRe: How can I change the language of the UI
谢谢. 很高兴在这里看见国人.先列部分用到的. 如果发现新的我会添加在这个帖子里 1. No SATA devices -> 无法虚拟 SATA 设备2. title 已经写明 "限制", 列表中无须再写 "限制". 英文版中亦如此 1. 已抓取输入 -> 已抓取输入时2. 取消抓取的输入内容 -> 未抓取输入时3. Guest Isolation -> 客户虚拟机隔离...
View ArticleRe: Converter fails with ./vmware-sysinfo-lin64: not found
Hi eugenesnowball do you have any aliases which may change the behaviour of the find command. You may issue the command "alias" in order to list all available aliases. With which distribution...
View ArticleRe: Import-VApp command hangs
So a bit more information... I let it hang for about an hour and it eventually finished. But, the progress bar never started (unless it was after I got up around 30 minutes into it). So, it is...
View ArticleManually quiesce VM I/O
Can I manually quiesce a virtual machine I/O? I've read that a good practice before making a extent on a VMFS datastore is to "Quiesce I/O on all disks involved". But how it's done? Thank you
View ArticleRe: Unity Programs has Empty 2nd level menus.
I can only say that it seems to work OK here, but my host is Linux.See attached screen shot (W8 guest). . Lou
View ArticleRe: TPS not kicking in. Balooning & swapping are.
Hi THP1138Welcome to the community . please follw this link if not...
View ArticleRe: SBS2008 and file level conversion of C: drive
Hi scribeplease use file level which is better than block level. in the performance point of view use some higher speed RPM diks so that slowness will not come to role. If at first you don't...
View ArticleRe: Failed SSH Check
no standby0 is in the same cluster: vmmark as the others and it is powered on, second screenshot I did from prime client, you can see standby0 is in the vmmark cluster. Will be possible some...
View ArticleRe: VMware Update manager repository does not show latest update...
I have the same problem - any updates on this?
View ArticleRe: Import and Export of vApp
Absolutely. I do this all the time. Look at the stuff from Clinton Kitson for the export I use the...
View ArticleFailed to Perform Space Reclamation & One Other Question
Hi, Newer environment setup. Have been getting this error on one VM/Pool: Failed to perform space reclamation on machine XXXX in Pool XXXX Is there anywhere I can see what is actually causing this...
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