Re: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
"Caution: This operation deletes the partition table and master boot record on the disk device. The changes take effect immediately. This results in data loss and cannot be reverted." There's nothing...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
Partition type "de" relates to "Dell PowerEdge Server utilities (FAT fs)", so I'd suggest you follow the link provided by spravtek and clear the partition table using the dd command line utility. André
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
Sorry, had to delete previous comment, wasn't the correct way to go I think ... Maybe, if following doesn't work.From: VMware KB: Creating a local VMFS datastore after a fresh installation of ESXi 5.x...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
Results....... # fdisk -lu ****** The fdisk command is deprecated: fdisk does not handle GPT partitions. Please use partedUtil*** Disk /dev/disks/mpx.vmhba32:C0:T0:L0: 2040 MB, 2040528896 bytes64...
View ArticleRe: Yet another "IP address conflict" issue
iainwb wrote: It looks possible. dadtransmits=0 to disable duplicate address checking might be the needed magic. I searched high and low for that. Last week we replaced my notebook. After Dell replaced...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
Can you create the storage now?
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1: cannot bring up ethernet for guest system
>ethernet0.networkName="ACS"Try "VM Network" Point to note: case sensitive
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
OK! Good to go! Now, can you make me understand what broke and what we did that fixed this?I would have never known how to fix this and you would think, coming from the manufacturer, it would be ready.
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
Great, Sure... The disks that come from DELL had some partitions on it (2 to be exact), this caused a problem when you tried to create storage through the vSphere client because it could not delete...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
Spravtek, thanks so much man. I'd had never figured this out. Hey post the fix on EE, so I can give you credit their ok? RegardsHarold
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 disconnects from vSphere client during storage creation
Ok, will do ... Glad it helped...
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Thanks, lbourque, I know the situation.I will check vmlearning for more details.
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Pretty sure the masking is correct. I have tried allowing all initiators to see the LUN as well as restricting it to the WWN of the ESXi card. Nothing both times. After some more searching and reading,...
View ArticleRe: Failed to create DataStore
Looks like formatting is off in multiple places. You might want to create a sample perl script and use --verbose=# to get the format of the request.
View ArticleRe: how to get host and vm performance data?
The vSphere API let's you get this information. But it's not quite so simple given the number of metrics, rollups, etc. Look the PerformanceManager object in the API. For some of the cpu, men and...
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I have a Windows 7 laptop and I am running 2-3 virtual machines using vmware player. One of them has Ubuntu installed in it and was working fine. I installed another virtual machine from IBM today....
View ArticleRe: for 32 bit server
Hi Kcghafoor, If I read that correctly, you are installing ESX on a 32 bit machine? If that's the case, the only version of ESX you can run is ESXi 3.5 as all other builds require a 64 bit CPU. Regardsa
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En effet, après avoir regarder de prêt je n'ai rien trouver non plus la dessus, peu être quelqu'un d'autre saura te répondre : Sinon si tu as la possibilité le mieux c'est d'essayer en te basant sur...
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