Default Gateway changing when configured from DCUI
Hi Community, We have a couple of re-purposed ESXi 4.1 hosts. They were moved from one blade server chassis to another to be put into service for another project. We are re-configuring them (re-IPing)...
View ArticleIs it possible to create a link between CMDB items with the CSV connector?
I have a quick question regarding the CSV connector. I have 3 files:Desktop (ref, desktop name + info)Software (ref, software name + info)Software installed on Desktops (desktop ref, software ref) How...
View ArticleRe: vim.fault.invalidticket exception when passing AcquireTicket value to...
Keep in mind that AcquireCloneTicket() on the SessionManager returns the session for the entire vsphere and may pose security vulnerabilities, such as being able to access any vm. The...
View ArticleRe: How ESXi handles the Network requests of Guest vm's?
Hope someone can help me understand.
View ArticleRe: What is happening behind the scenes, when you run a Test Recovery Plan,...
Hope someone can help me understand.
View ArticleRe: How much free space
It errored out. Below is the original one without the "Used Space Comment" Maybe there was a typo when you made the changes. $report = foreach($esx in Get-VMHost){ foreach($hbaKey in...
View ArticleRe: VMware Workstation 9: Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory
Solved. The problem was that for another program I was using gcc-4.4 instead of the latest. Reverting the settings (through update-alternatives --config <name>) for gcc, g++ and cpp-bin. Not a...
View ArticleEnabling/Configuring IPv6
I have a basic configuration with a server runningWindows 2008 R2 on a Dell R610 system configured as both a DHCPv4 and v6 server. I have a Lenovo box installed with Windows 7 (x86). The Windows 7...
View ArticleRe: How Can I Set the Customization Script for all VMs in a vApp
Answered through testing. It's all about the double quotes. $civapp = Get-CIVApp TEST$script = "@echo offif ""%1%"" == ""precustomization"" (echo Do precustomization tasks) else if ""%1%"" ==...
View ArticleRe: Microsoft Game does not accept VMWare video card.
I tried both these fixes and the game still gives me a graphics error. I input the latest driver dates and everything. This is what I get in the dialogue:" 8/2/2012" I even tried using the...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 vMotion migration of VM with 2 vmdk: one on SAN storage and...
Josh, As you might know, Squid is a proxy/cache that implements ACL's, a sort of QoS (delay pools), and so on. So we use it at work notonly for cache. Nevertheless, about 45% of HTTP requests from my...
View ArticleRe: Unable to retrieving more than 100 VMs using PropertyCollector and...
I am also facing the same issue on vSphere SDK. Even after making maxObjects in RetrieveOptions to value more than 100 for RetrievePropertiesEx call, I still get only 100 values.I am using...
View ArticleLately losing Pre-sales battle to Hyper-V 2012 in SMB market
Most of the sales in my country Sri Lanka are more on SMB markets. I have been in many Pre-sales meeting and it all comes down to the cost of licenses. Lately I must admit that VMware is losing the...
View ArticleRe: Unable to get 10GB speeds between VM's
If you're testing with Windows SMB, you'll run into its limitations before you hit a network limit. As AP said, try a network tool.
View ArticleWS 10 July TP
Host: Windows Server 2012 x64Guest: Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 Physical Machine. HP Proliant G5 Quad Core Xeon E5420 CPU 10GB RAM Uninstall May Tech Preview per instructions. Uninstallation To...
View ArticleRe: Trying to install VMware-Workstation-Full-e.x.p-1245816.x86_64.bundle hangs
Bummer. May we please get a peek at /var/log/vmware-installer?
View ArticleRe: vmmark2.5 Error log "help"
It is strange that the same setting, run 3 and 5 tiles PASSI am waiting for the next run of 8tiles after all time zone change to the EST
View ArticleRe: startSTAFProc.bat issue
I already had a virtualClient. joined to mail0 domain. Do i still need put prime client join to domain? , I did not, because the document did not say that. and for schedule I use prime client local...
View ArticleRe: startSTAFProc.bat issue
Thanks ReggieSun, do you know why I cannot make the stafproc.exe stay? newbie
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