I upload the full log file of the run here.
I am actually using python with suds soap client to communicate with the vsphere.
The script is really simple I just follow VMWARE documentation :
datastore_system = host_obj.configManager.datastoreSystem
host_scsi_partition = self.vc.vim.get_data_object('HostScsiDiskPartition')
host_scsi_partition.diskName = disk_canonical_name
host_vmfs_spec = self.vc.vim.get_data_object('HostVmfsSpec')
host_vmfs_spec.volumeName = datastore_name
host_vmfs_spec.extent = host_scsi_partition
host_vmfs_spec.majorVersion = 5 # VMFS-5
dc_create_spec = self.vc.vim.get_data_object('VmfsDatastoreCreateSpec')
dc_create_spec.vmfs = host_vmfs_spec
dc_create_spec.diskUuid = uuid
What I miss here?